4 Pool

Safety Tips for Your Family

As we enter the heat of the middle of summer, you may realize how important ensuring that you and everyone who uses your pool are safe and secure so you can focus on relaxing and enjoying the water this year.Pool safety is one of the most crucial factors that you should take into account as a pool owner every summer. According to the CDC, between 2005 and 2014, there was an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings annually in the United States, which equals about ten deaths per day.

With these stats in mind, we've created this simple list of tips on pool safety to help you make sure that your pool is safe for you and the whole family! Continue reading to learn more about our tips on pool safety for your family.

1. Fence in Your Pool

Aside from constant adult supervision, one of the most crucial factors in pool safety is the placement of a fence around the pool or sectioning off the pool areas.

We have some easy-to-follow guidelines that can help when choosing the best fence for your pool. Fencing around a pool should be at least five feet tall to lessen the chance of someone climbing over. If you use a fence with links or bars, they should be 4 inches wide or less. Avoid using fences that have natural foot or handholds that would make climbing easier. If you have to use a fence with a wider link, utilize slats to make the holes smaller to avoid climbing. Never place benches, large stones, or other objects that could be used as a makeshift step ladder by the fence.

Every home is different, so consider calling a professional to help you choose the best fence for your specific pool.

2. Cover Your Pool When It'sIt's Not in Use

An easy way to keep your kids out of the pool when they shouldn't be in it is to use a pool cover. There is a wide variety of pool covers out there that can meet any budget requirements, no matter if you need one for a full-size pool, spa, or combination. Most spas come with a floating lid to use. However, you can add some safety and security by investing in a hard-top folding cover. These covers often come with a lock that can be used for extra protection.

Although spas have a lot of options, pools have the most extensive variety of covers. Pool covers can either be manual covers anchored to the pool deck or automatic covers that make securing your pool quick and easy. Automatic covers are a bit more expensive than manual covers, though. Net covers are also a budget-friendly option that doesn't fully cover the pool but still offers a safer solution.

3. Update Pool Pump Mechanisms and Filter Covers

One of the most unfortunately overlooked hazards in pools, especially older pools, is the drains and drain covers located at the bottom of the pool and along the pool deck. Older model drains and drain covers can become a serious danger as they fail to disperse the high levels of suction created by the pump.

Thankfully, the frequency of these types of incidents has significantly lowered, though suction-related accidents still happen every year in residential pools, sometimes resulting in death. By updating the pumping mechanisms and replacing outdated filter covers, you can lessen the chance of pool suction-related accidents occurring in your backyard.

4. Keep Pool Chemicals Out of Reach From Children and Pets

For pool owners, maintaining your pool is a weekly chore that quickly becomes part of your regular routine. However, this comfortability can occasionally lead to carelessness. Pool maintenance requires using chemicals, such as chlorine, to keep algae and bacteria from taking over your pool.As homeowners get used to this weekly task, they may be inclined to simply leave the chemicals sitting out, or forget them entirely. This can pose a serious, sometimes life-threatening health concern to your children and your pets.

Remember to always keep your pool chemicals out of reach from your children and pets. Any empty bottles or other chemical packaging should be appropriately disposed of immediately after use.

Final Thoughts

That wraps up our pool safety tips for your family! Remember to consider fencing in your pool, cover it when it's not in use, update the pump and filter covers, and keep pool chemicals out of reach from children and pets!Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, so keep your pool safe this year with these easy tips. Don't forget to always enforce your rules for your family's pool and consider taking a CPR training class if you don't already know it to help you handle any situation that may occur. Have fun this summer and stay safe!